Tuesday, January 13, 2009

According campus newspaper Brown

Sharon - the wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne - is convinced the medication caused her colon cancer and was terrified Kelly would also fall victim to the life-threatening disease. According to the campus newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, the campus cable infrastructure was built in 1980 and is now in such a state of decay that officials have decided to mothball it rather than spend the astronomical amount it would cost to bring it up to state-of-the-art. The band has 24 new songs to choose from Grind Fidelity, Evolution through Revolution and Detached are a few song titles. Lindsay Lohan has vowed not to talk to her father until he grows up. Some people may feel that I have a biased view of Roger Federer after reading this article. Nick and I are getting to know each other, but were not confirming anything, she says.

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